Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back to work

My machinist has informed me he needs the crank and rods out of my truck to complete the new motor. so I started obliging. I should have taken pics of the garage before i WEDGED the truck in but... anyway.

so i pulled valve cover-that white stuff is oil mixed with water. the orange stuff is rust on the rocker arms.

I drained 2 oil containers worth of water out of oil pan BEFORE oil started coming out. then it was 2 more containers of frappachino mud...
cant wait to see the holes on the inside of the block. hope the crank/rods are okay.

motor ready to lift

the plan for you techies is 802CP hyperutectic pistons, 4.2 rods, 4.2 crank, 0.43 headgasket, zero deck for better quench, mild port/polish on head, full blueprint/balance on assembly and no more scattered parts.
flywheel horsepower should go from OEM new=110 to over 275.
rear wheel HP should go from 50 to over 200... =) and over 300Tq at 1500rpm.

update:Chase bank

Well, long story short-I complained to better business bureau in Chase headquarter city and got a pleasant phone call from rep who was VERY anxious to lower my rate, decrease my payment due and appease me 100%.
All I had to do was close card which supposedly will show up on credit record as "closed by consumer" which is better than "failed to pay" which is what would have happened.

I was THRILLED to close card. Payment went to 2/3 of what i used to pay, interest rate went to 40% of what it was. my total repayment period increased and the total amount out of my pocket will be less than would have happened previously.