Tuesday, June 14, 2011

pulley failure

Been hearing this awful noise and thought it was the PS pump which had run low since the PS box has a seal leak.

Radiator has been leaking for a while now. just annoying.

today(june 14th) after work I popped hood and listened around. I thought it was PS pump making the racket but it wasnt loud enough. I put my ear to the WP and foudn the noise. I pulled radiator, fan and shroud, loosened belt and pulled WP pulley in prep for pulling what I thought was failed WP...

well,... the pulley had cracked all the way around and was <50 miles from becoming 6 or 7 pieces...that yellow line is where i painted from the BACK side and it leaked through to show crack.

I found a different pulley laying on the other jeep and noticed a HUGE difference.
Pulley had the exact same shape except for this "hat" of heaver metal right where the bolts go through.

PS pump removed and warranty one on the way.

I took the down time to swap out my 50 jets in carb to 52 jets-an effort to get a little more power. Will see how MPG suffers if it does. willing to take <0.5 loss for more power but betting I wont lose MPG.

I think bigger jet is making motor "load up" and I might switch back to the 50 jets. would like to find a 51 jet but unlikely.