Please vote!
Please vote!
if you are not registered-in CA-here is the link;
you only have 2 days left to register-its your responsibility to vote!
other states have their own links.
if you are in Butte county-PLEASE VOTE!
If you only vote for one thing-vote for my future boss.
Vote for DIANE BROWN for Assessor.
She is the ONLY qualified choice.
Please spread the word.
If you want my voters guide-just email me(do NOT reply to this email)
if you are not registered-in CA-here is the link;
you only have 2 days left to register-its your responsibility to vote!
other states have their own links.
if you are in Butte county-PLEASE VOTE!
If you only vote for one thing-vote for my future boss.
Vote for DIANE BROWN for Assessor.
She is the ONLY qualified choice.
Please spread the word.
If you want my voters guide-just email me(do NOT reply to this email)