Wednesday, December 03, 2008

carb and park brake

this is a mockup of my shifter linkage. I had to get the end drilled in the hardened shaft to be able to bolt on my shifter arm. I'm using a tire iron and its some pretty hard stuff. that's a piece of tubing with an oilite bushing inside. Allows me to use the stock 3spd shifter to run the 727 automatic.

I had to modify the carb linkage as there's a combination link for the jeep that controls the tranny downshift that i had to keep(see black cable from acc pedal curving down to bracket below carb on right side of pic). this carb is far superior to the OEM 1980 carter computer junk but isn't stock.
will work great though-a little drilling, welding and grinding and i have my own link.

This is my solution to the parking brake.
the chevy pedal and arm will control the jeep cable system.
the park brake is inside the cab and swivels through the floor. there's a shaft that goes through the big hole and it will be pushing on the cable housing(reverse of traditional-pull on cable)
the cable end will go through my new keyhole in the floor and slide over into the slot.

the plate will use OEM bolt and will hold the cable in the slot while also providing reinforcement of the cable end. This spot in the floor is already double thick so this plate doesn't need to be too heavy. it also allows for removal of cable without cutting and lets me keep OEM floor setup and OEM jeep hardware without the UGLY 1980 pedal bracket on the side...


Blogger livingonsolar said...

You are amazing!

8:30 AM  

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